GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Culture of Media Consumption 13-15 years



Alexander Nikolajewitsch Usenko

Course Information

Culture of Media Consumption will teach how to understand media content, see the interconnectedness of cultural codes of the past and present through the prism of fiction and documentary film, reveal the secrets of understanding culture through music of the past and present, learn to understand the incomprehensible, and, of course, show contemporary trends.

History, Literature, Culture, Media consumption, Media communications, Creative writing, Printing technologies in advertising and public relations

Participate in the course

Course for
Course Level []
Course Type []
maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes