GENESES - Mentor Details


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Special Fields

Linguistic proficiency

Alexander Nikolajewitsch Usenko

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Executive Director of the Center for Multicultural Education and Multilingualism "WORLD OF EDUCATION", engaged in international projects in the field of education, science and culture, as well as support for compatriots abroad. Author of a ...

monograph on the political history of the Don region in the 1930s and more than 30 scientific articles on pedagogy and history. Laureate of the National Prize of Russia for contribution to the preservation of family cultural and historical heritage and winner of the competition of the best teachers within the framework of the national project "Education". Federal expert of the All-Russian educational competition "My Country - My Russia", member of the regional council on education of the Rostov region. Co-organizer of the international block forum, focused on the development of practices for teaching the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, as well as support for the Russian language in intercultural communication. Author and organizer of international cultural and educational projects in educational institutions of Western Europe, Asia, Australia and the Pacific region.