GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Courses on psychological counseling



Olga Valentinovna Vasilyeva

Course Information

Courses on psychological counseling, analysis of psychosomatic situations, Hellinger's constellations, MAK diagnostics, and systemic family therapy offer comprehensive training in the field of psychology and psychotherapy.

  • Psychological counseling includes training in diagnostic, psychotherapy, and counseling methods aimed at assisting people in addressing psychological problems and developing personal potential.
  • Analysis of psychosomatic situations involves studying the interaction between a person's psychological and physical state, as well as methods for working with such situations, including psychotherapy and medical treatment.
  • Hellinger's constellations are a method of brief group psychotherapy based on working with the family system and aimed at uncovering hidden dynamics affecting an individual's behavior and emotional state. However, it should be noted that this method is not recognized by the scientific community and raises controversies about its effectiveness and scientific validity.
  • MAK diagnostics (Method of Accelerated Conflict) is a modern method of psychotherapy aimed at identifying and resolving conflicts within the personality that may lead to psychological disorders.
  • Systemic family therapy is an approach to psychotherapy that takes into account the influence of family and social structures on individual development and psychological health.

These courses offer a deep understanding of various approaches to psychological assistance and development, including both classical and modern methods.

Olga Valentinovna, pediatrician, consultant.

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7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes