GENESES - Mentor Details


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Special Fields

Olga Valentinovna Vasilyeva

Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Graduate of the Pirogov Russian State Medical University (Moscow), Faculty of Pediatrics
RUDN University, Moscow, Faculty of Allergology-Immunology IOMP psychological counseling, new German psychology. Management of children from 0 to ...

to 18 years old under the "personal doctor" program, work with children and adults in the field of allergology, immunology, psychology.
Management during antigen-specific immunotherapy.
Online consultations on pediatrics, allergology, immunology (clinical laboratory, instrumental studies), recommendations for correction of therapy, support of online antigen-specific immunotherapy, annual management of patients from 0).
Psychological consultations, analysis of psychosomatic situations, Hellinger's constellations, MAC diagnostics, systemic-birth therapy.