GENESES - Legal Information


legal information

Here you will find important legal information about our products and services.

legal information

You confirm that you have read, understood and fully agree to comply with this Agreement and the Privacy Policy of the GENESIS Online School. The Agreement comes into effect from the moment you register on the Site or create your first Order with your Personal Data. From now on, you are a user of the siteвплоть before registering your support request to deactivate and delete your account.

Terms and concepts used in this Agreement /– GENESIS Online School (SOLE PROPRIETOR SVETLANA SERGEEVNA USENKO )  with a legal address
of 17 Fianitova str., Aksai district, Rostov region, 346715 Russia (hereinafter referred to as the GENESIS Online School), which carries out its / activities through an Internet resource and related services and subdomains.

Authorization is the identification on the Website of a User who has previously registered, giving him access to his Personal Account.

An order is a User's request for a subscription to access the site's content for a year (month), issued via an electronic form on the Site by the User or with the help of Support staff. Confirmation of the creation of an Order is the assignment of a unique number to it.

Identification data is a login-password pair, unique for each user, providing access to the Site for the User.

Personal account is a personalized Website interface that allows you to use the services /, containing the User's Personal Data, giving access to information about Orders and Personal Data of those Users who did not object to their disclosure.

Personal data – personal information (including last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, residential address, contact phone number and e-mail address, as well as other information that the User wants to provide using the services of the GENESIS Online School) that the User provides consciously and voluntarily at the time of Registration on the Site or placing an Order on the Site, necessary for the user to work with the services /.

Privacy Policy – the provisions of this Agreement governing the obligations of the GENESIS Online School for the processing of User's Personal Data.

A User is an individual or a legal entity (or a representative of a legal entity) who has registered on the Site or placed an Order on it, providing his Personal Data.

Registration is a procedure for the User to enter his Personal Data in a certain form on the Website in order to gain access to the services /. Registration can be performed by the User either separately or in conjunction with the creation of an Order on the Site.

The website is a resource hosted on the Internet at the address , including all subdomains, which is the property of Zlatoust. The object of the exclusive rights of the GENESIS Online School, Users and others are, among other things, design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, educational courses and programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects, as well as any content posted on the Site.

The support service is the administrators of the GENESIS Online School, who help the User in working with the Site, and are also authorized to create an Order for it, make adjustments to it and perform any other actions with it.

The Agreement is the present User Agreement, which regulates the relations of the Online School "GENESIS" of the User throughout the entire period when the User uses the services

1. General provisions
1.1 The GENESIS Online School offers you the services of the Site on the terms set out in this Agreement.
1.2 The use of the Site's services, as well as all relations between you and the GENESIS Online School related to the use of the Site's services, are governed by this Agreement.
1.3 By using any of the Site's services or using any of its functionality, you express your unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement and all other terms set out on the Site pages, undertake to comply with them, and in case of disagreement with any of the terms, immediately stop using the services and leave the Site.
1.4 You are informed that this Agreement applies to all currently existing services of the Site, as well as to any development and/or addition of new services.
1.5 You acknowledge and agree that nothing in the Agreement can be understood as establishing agency relations, partnership relations (joint activities), personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for in this Agreement between you and the GENESIS Online School.
1.6 You agree that this Agreement is interpreted, the rights and obligations from it are regulated based on the norms of Russian law, all possible disputes regarding this Agreement and the relationship between you and Zlatoust will also be resolved according to the norms of Russian law in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.7 You agree that the court's recognition of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the Agreement.
1.8 GENESIS Online School reserves the right to amend this Agreement without any special prior notice or agreement. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the corresponding page of the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. Notification of changes to the Agreement is not made in advance, but each User can familiarize themselves with the new version before continuing to work with the Site and all its services.
1.9 You confirm your agreement with the provisions of this Agreement upon Registration, including at the last step of placing an Order on the Website.
2. Registration, authorization and security
2.1. Registration on the Website grants you the right to use the services and educational courses / and placing an Order on the Website.
2.2. When registering, you independently choose the username (User account name) and password to access the account. The requirements and restrictions on the content and form of the login and password are set by the GENESIS Online School (including regarding the prohibition of the use of certain combinations of words and symbols), while you agree to the established requirements.
You are solely responsible for the possibility of third parties guessing the login-password combination to your Account and independently ensure their confidentiality.
You are fully responsible for any actions (and their consequences) performed under the Account. All actions under your Account are considered to have been performed by you, except in cases where you have notified the GENESIS Online School of unauthorized use of your Account by third parties and, in connection with this, the Account has been blocked or deactivated.
2.3. You agree that only you independently carry out the safe shutdown of the Site.
2.4. You confirm that you do not have the right to transfer your identification data to third parties, and also do not have the right to receive them from third parties. You also agree that the GENESIS Online School does not bear any responsibility for transactions between you and third parties using the services of the Site under your Authorization.
2.5. You agree that you must immediately notify the GENESIS Online School Support Service of any unauthorized access to your Account and your Personal Account.
2.6. The Site's services may contain links to other resources. You acknowledge and agree that GENESIS Online School assumes no responsibility for the availability of these resources and for their content, as well as for any consequences associated with your use of the content of these resources.
2.7. You also agree that the GENESIS Online School does not bear any responsibility for your Personal Data that you provide to third-party resources and/or other third parties in case of clicking on links from the Site.
2.8. Any information and/or materials (including downloadable software, letters, documents, etc.) that the User accesses on the Site, its subdomains, on Internet pages linked to on the Site, you use at your own risk and are solely responsible for possible consequences of using the specified information and/or materials, including for the damage that this may cause to your computer or third parties, for data loss or any other harm.
3. User's Obligations during Registration and Authorization
3.1. To purchase Courses from the catalog / on the Site, as well as to access the Site's services and Personal Account, you agree to provide reliable and complete information on the issues proposed during Registration and necessary to fulfill obligations on the part of the GENESIS Online School in relation to the Courses you purchase and /or your access to Website services and Personal Account. You also agree to keep this information up to date.
3.2. If you have provided inaccurate or unreliable information, or the GENESIS Online School has serious grounds to believe that the information you have provided is incomplete and/or unreliable, GENESIS Online School has the right to block or delete your account and refuse to use the services
4. Obligations of the User when using the services of the Website and Personal Account
4.1. The use of the Site's services is unacceptable if such use leads to:
4.1.1. uploading content that is illegal, violates any rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and/or discrimination on racial, national, sexual, religious, social grounds; contains false information and/or insults against specific individuals, organizations, authorities;
4.1.2. inducement to commit illegal actions, as well as assistance to persons whose actions are aimed at violating restrictions and prohibitions in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
4.1.3. violation of the rights of minors and/or harm to them in any form;
4.1.4. infringement of the rights of minorities;
4.1.5. impersonating another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees of Zlatoust;
4.1.6. misleading about the properties and characteristics of any Courses from the catalogна incorrect comparison of courses, as well as the formation of a negative attitude towards persons who use or do not use certain courses, or the condemnation of such persons;
4.1.7. downloading content that you do not have the right to make available to an unlimited number of people or individuals, groups of people, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or according to any contractual relationship;
4.1.8. uploading content that affects and/or contains any patent, trademark, trade secret, trade name, copyright and related rights, as well as other rights to the results of intellectual activity owned or lawfully used by third parties;
4.1.9. downloading advertising information and/or spam that is not specifically authorized;
4.1.10. advertising and promotion of goods, works or services, without the specially obtained permission of the GENESIS Online School;
4.1.11. collection and processing of Personal Data provided by other Users /, information about the private life of any persons;
4.1.12. disruption of the normal operation of the Site;
4.1.13. violation of Russian or international law.
4.2. You agree not to use abusive words, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions on the services of the Site and in your Personal Account, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and citizen, as well as in relation to organizations, authorities, official state symbols (flags, coats of arms, hymns), religious symbols, cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments).
4.3. You acknowledge and agree that the GENESIS Online School has the right, but not the obligation, at its sole discretion, to refuse to post, change, or delete any content available through the Site's services, without giving reasons.
4.4. You are fully responsible for the compliance of the content you post with the requirements of current legislation, including liability to third parties in cases where the User's posting of content or its content violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. GENESIS Online School is not obliged to review any kind of content posted and/or distributed by you on the Site in order to verify it.
5. User Information Support
5.1. You hereby give your voluntary consent to inform you about all actions of the GENESIS Online School related to the fulfillment of your Order, as well as about other events of any nature related to the services of the Site or the activities of the GENESIS Online School regarding the siteи provided educational services.
5.2. You hereby give your voluntary consent to be informed by sending a notification via your e-mail provided at the time of Registration on the Site and SMS notifications to your mobile phone number provided during Registration or during the checkout process.
5.3. You agree that GENESIS Online School does not bear any responsibility for delays, failures, incorrect or untimely provision of services, deletion or non-preservation of any notifications. At the same time, GENESIS Online School reserves the right to re-send any notification if you do not receive it.
5.4. You can ask any questions about information support to the Support Service.
6. Termination Of User Registration
6.1. You agree that GENESIS Online School reserves the right to block and/or delete your account, or terminate your account with respect to any services of the Site if you violate any of the provisions of this Agreement.
6.2. You have the right at any time to require the GENESIS Online School to delete and/or block your account on the Site. To do this, you need to send a corresponding request to the Support Service.
7. Ownership
7.1. You acknowledge and agree that the Site's services, technologies and algorithms used in your Personal Account, and all programs related to them may contain confidential information belonging to the GENESIS Online School, which is protected by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as international law.
7.2. You agree that the content provided to you during the use of the Website and Personal Account services belongs to the GENESIS Online School, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, as well as relevant laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
7.3. The GENESIS Online School grants you the right to use all the services of the Site, as well as to enjoy all the benefits that they give you, provided that neither you nor any other persons with your assistance will reproduce, copy or process them, as well as use any of them parts for commercial purposes.
8. Using your Personal Account
8.1. All information that is provided to you in your Personal Account depends on both technologies and algorithms, and on User actions on the Site, including using the services . The use of this information is at your discretion, but within the limits of the norms and restrictions established by this Agreement; the information provided to the User in the Personal Account can be used by you for any purpose, including distribution without commercial benefit, which does not contradict the norms of this Agreement. The GENESIS Online School guarantees that the reading recommendations provided in the Personal Account do not contradict the norms of Russian legislation and the norms of this Agreement, however, it does not guarantee that they will ideally suit a particular User.
9. Privacy Policy
9.1. The terms of the Privacy Policy and the relationship between you and the GENESIS Online School related to the processing of personal data are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data".
9.2. The Privacy Policy applies to personal data that the GENESIS Online School has received or may receive from you when Registering, placing an Order on the Site, and necessary to fulfill obligations on the part of the GENESIS Online School in relation to the courses you purchase, your access to the Site services, when you use your Personal The cabinet.
9.3. You hereby agree that your use of the Site's services means your unconditional acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of your personal data specified therein. In case of disagreement with any condition of the Privacy Policy, you must immediately stop using the services and leave the Site.
9.4. You acknowledge that your consent to the processing of Personal Data, given by you, applies to the GENESIS Online School, all affiliated persons, the website / and all subdomains of this Site.
9.5. User's Personal data collected and processed by the GENESIS Online School:
9.5.1. Mandatory Personal Data that you voluntarily and consciously provide about yourself when Registering and/or placing an Order on the Site, necessary primarily to fulfill obligations on the part of the GENESIS Online School in relation to what you purchase Courses and Services, such as: the surname, first name and patronymic of the registered User; the User's contact phone number; the User's contact email address.
9.5.2. Optional Personal Data that you voluntarily and knowingly provide about yourself at your discretion, for example, age, gender, social status, and so on, when Registering on the Site or subsequently when using any of the Site's services, including your Personal Account, including for the purpose of receiving personal recommendations.
9.5.3. Depersonalized data automatically received by Zlatoust during your stay on any page of the Site using software installed on your device: IP address, information from cookies, information about your browser (or other program that accesses the Site's services), access time, address of the requested pages The site.
9.6. The GENESIS Online School does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by you and does not monitor their relevance. However, the GENESIS Online School assumes that you provide reliable and sufficient personal data on the issues proposed in the Registration form and keep this information up to date. You are personally responsible for the consequences of providing false or invalid personal data.
9.7. The online school "GENESIS" collects and processes only those personal data that are necessary for your use of the Site's services and/or your purchase of Goods on the Site.
9.8. In relation to your personal data voluntarily providing information about yourself for general access to an unlimited number of people, including regarding your Personal Account.
9.9. The GENESIS Online School protects your personal data in accordance with the requirements for the protection of such information, and is responsible for using secure methods to protect such information.
9.10. In order to protect your personal data, ensure their proper use and prevent unauthorized and/or accidental access to them by third parties, the GENESIS Online School applies the necessary and sufficient technical and administrative measures. The Personal Data you provide is stored on servers with limited access located in secure premises.
9.11. GENESIS Online School has the right to transfer your personal data to third parties in the following cases: You have explicitly expressed your consent to such actions; the transfer is necessary for you to use a certain service of the Site. At the same time, the GENESIS Online School ensures the confidentiality of your personal data, and you will be notified of such transfer; the transfer is provided for by Russian legislation within the framework of the procedure established by law.
9.12. You have the right to change (update, supplement) the Personal Data provided by you at any time by using the personal data editing function in your Personal Account.
9.13. You can request the deletion of the Personal Data provided by you at any time by contacting Customer Support.
9.14. You confirm your full voluntary consent to the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy upon completion of Registration on the Site, including upon completion of the last step of placing an Order on the Site.
9.15. Your consent to the processing of Personal Data is valid during the time you use the Site and any other services of voluntary provision of information about yourself for general access to an unlimited number of people, including regarding your Personal Account.
9.9. Zlatoust protects your personal data in accordance with the requirements for the protection of such information, and is responsible for using secure methods to protect such information.
9.10. To protect your personal data, ensure their proper use and prevent unauthorized and/or accidental access to them by third parties, Zlatoust applies the necessary and sufficient technical and administrative measures. The Personal Data you provide is stored on servers with limited access located in secure premises.
9.11. Zlatoust has the right to transfer your personal data to third parties in the following cases: You have explicitly expressed your consent to such actions; the transfer is necessary for you to use a certain service of the Site. At the same time, Zlatoust ensures the confidentiality of your personal data, and you will be notified of such transfer; the transfer is provided for by Russian legislation within the framework of the procedure established by law.
9.12. You have the right to change (update, supplement) the Personal Data provided by you at any time by using the personal data editing function in your Personal Account.
9.13. You can request the deletion of the Personal Data provided by you at any time by contacting Customer Support.
9.14. You confirm your full voluntary consent to the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy upon completion of Registration on the Site, including upon completion of the last step of placing an Order on the Site.
9.15. Your consent to the processing of Personal Data is valid during the time you use the Site and any other services / and/or registering an Account on the Site.
9.16. You can send all questions about the processing of personal data to the Support Service.
10. About the "Help" section and confirmation of this Agreement
10.1. You hereby confirm that you have read, understood and fully agree to all the terms of service on the website / , with all the rules for using the Personal Account and other services of the Site, set out in the "Information " section.
10.2. You have the right to contact the Support Service with any question regarding the use of the Site, your interaction with the GENESIS Online School. Also, the GENESIS Online School provides you with alternative communication methods of your choice. Detailed contacts are listed in the "Information" section, which you have read.
10.3. The liability of the GENESIS Online School for damages is limited to ten thousand rubles under any circumstances of their infliction, and occurs only if there is guilt.
GENESIS Online School is not responsible for losses incurred by you when using the services of the Site, including your Personal Account.
10.4. You have the right to refuse to confirm this Agreement if any of its terms are unacceptable to you.
10.5. You confirm that your acceptance of the Agreement means your full agreement with all its terms without exception, as well as with all the terms of the "Information" section.
10.6. You acknowledge and agree that your contacting the Support Service to place an Order, as well as your registration as a User on the Site, is a confirmation of your voluntary agreement with all the provisions of this Agreement without any reservations or exceptions.