GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Development of Creativity 10-12 years



Svetlana Sergejewna Usenko

Course Information

Online classes "Creative Development" for children aged 7-11. To understand what tomorrow will be like, we need to develop modern children and teenagers - those who will shape our future and live in it. These are the so-called Generation Z and "α" generations. Creative development is one of the foundations of the development of a modern child's future. Creative thinking is the ability to perceive the surrounding world non-standardly and generate fundamentally new ideas. In classes, using game-based learning and TRIZ technology, we will help develop creative thinking, as well as teach how to create products of various project activities. We will teach how to work in a group, demonstrating individual abilities. Our task is to create conditions for self-realization of students. Development of thinking abilities: verbal and non-verbal fluency, flexibility, originality. Development of skills to combine, compare and create objects with new properties. Formation of the ability to plan and develop a topic in detail. Formation of the ability to work in teams: development of communication methods in a team, ability to distribute and perform tasks based on their role. The main approaches in the work are "Brainstorming" and the principle of "fluency". Fluency of thinking, understood as the ability to come up with many possible solutions to a problem, is an important condition for creating creative products. The principle of soft competition (competition between groups of children, with frequent redistribution) Cooperation and collaboration (skills to work in teams). The ability to evaluate and a favorable psychological atmosphere (getting rid of the fear of making mistakes).

Requirements for the level of preparation for the course: Readiness for experiments and rational modeling. And most importantly: Development of creative abilities Development of creative divergent thinking Formation of skills and abilities of project activities

History, Social Studies, Cultural Studies, Development, creative thinking, Pedagogy

Participate in the course

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maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes