GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Corporate etiquette



Anna Vladislavovna Vasilyeva

Course Information

The Corporate Etiquette course is designed for those who want to improve their skills in corporate communication and behavior in a business environment. The main objectives of the course include:

Studying the basic principles of corporate etiquette, including rules of conduct in the office, communication with clients and partners, as well as corporate events. Development of effective communication and team interaction skills. Understanding of cultural characteristics and norms of behavior in various countries and industries.

The course may include the following elements:

Theoretical lectures on corporate etiquette, including the history of its development and basic principles. Practical exercises and role-playing games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills in a corporate environment. Training in the rules of behavior in various business environments, including business meetings, corporate events and communication with clients.

After completing the course, participants receive a certificate confirming their knowledge and skills in the field of corporate etiquette. This can be useful for those who want to improve their business career, as well as for those who work in an international environment and want to better understand the cultural characteristics of corporate communication in different countries.

Teacher of English, corporate etiquette and service sector

Participate in the course

Course for
Course Level []
Course Type []
maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes