GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Primary school for why 7-11 years



Svetlana Nikolajewna Petelina

Course Information

During the course, students will learn to see problems, pose questions, put forward hypotheses, and define concepts. Solving a system of design problems helps to develop in younger schoolchildren the ability to reflect, model, take initiative when searching for a solution to a problem, and also engage in communication when solving a problem.

Teacher of History and Social Sciences, Elementary School Teacher, Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language.

Participate in the course

Course for
Course Level []
Course Type []
maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes