GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Beginner to Advanced German 8-11 years old



Yana Valerievna Korol

Course Information

The course program covers all key aspects of the German language, including grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, as well as the development of speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. Particular attention is paid to the practical application of the language in real life situations, which allows students not only to improve their language skills, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and traditions of German-speaking countries.

The course uses modern teaching techniques, including interactive exercises, videos and audio materials, as well as group projects and discussions, to make the language learning process as effective and fun as possible. An individual approach to each student allows us to adapt the training program in accordance with his level of preparation and personal goals.

Join the course "German from beginner to advanced level" and take the first step towards mastering one of the most important and beautiful languages in the world.

German teacher

Participate in the course

Course for
Course Level []
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maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes