GENESES - Course Details


Course details

An insight into what awaits you, including course objectives, content, and the benefits you'll receive from participating in this course.

Chinese language



Polina Igorevna Kakotkina

Course Information

Our Chinese language course for children aged 6-7 is specially designed for young students to immerse them in the fascinating world of Chinese language and culture. Our lessons are conducted by experienced teachers who use interactive teaching methods, games, songs, and other engaging tasks so that children can learn with pleasure and ease. Within the course, children will learn the basics of the Chinese language, such as the pinyin alphabet, basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational speech. They will also become acquainted with Chinese culture, traditions, and customs to understand the language in the context of its cultural significance. Our lessons will contribute to the development of speech, memory, attention, and logical thinking in children, as well as help them expand their horizons and communication skills in another language. Join our course and open up an exciting path for your child to learn Chinese!

English language, Pedagogy, Linguistics

Participate in the course

Course for
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maximum 10 participants at least 5 participants Course start by arrangement

7200 $

1 Month(s)
4 x 60 minutes